Class Descriptions
This class offers adults the opportunity to play with their babies in a musical setting, experiencing music and movement activities designed to delight the child and awaken his or her curiosity about music. By singing, dancing, bouncing, and rocking, the child's music aptitude is being carefully nurtured, laying the foundation for beat awareness, vocal production, and aural discrimination.
Activities include singing, bouncing songs, rocking songs, dances, finger plays, body awareness games and echoes.
Activities include singing, dancing, focused listening and simple instrument playing, creating an environment in which the child's music aptitude is nurtured and skills are developed.
Activities include lots of singing, chants and rhymes, listening games, patterns to echo, and movement games, all of which nurture the child's musical development while satisfying the child's need to learn in a holistic environment.
Parents stay for the class, although some of the activities are designed to have the children participate independently of their parents.
Home materials (3 packets throughout year) including a CD, songbook, and manipulatives allow the learning and fun to continue at home.
Material packets include a CD, a poster and game pieces, notation games, instrument pages and a book. Children receive 4 packets throughout the 26-week session.
Materials include a CD, a map, song pages, and notation games. Children will receive 4 packets throughout the 26 weeks.
The final step on the pathway to music literacy, this program is designed to teach the children to play the songs they've been hearing, singing, and dancing to throughout the years of early-childhood. An extension of the work done in Music Makers: Around the World, this class follows a very sequential approach to building piano skills and understanding musical notation as set forth in the books, Music Makers: At the Keyboard.
Children will receive 2 books, including 4 CDs and notation games plus a Parent Handbook throughout the 26 weeks.
Two eight week programs of 30-40 mins each:
1. Nimble & Quick
2. Twist & Turn
Musikgarten’s All Together Now recaptures the magic of nursery rhymes (a wonderful part of our cultural tradition featuring delightful language and playful rhythms) in a versatile mixed-age curricula for children birth to four. There is lots of movement for those toddlers, while three year-olds and older will learn language skills and use their imaginations in fun new ways.
Each program is full of music, movement, imagination, and class time fun. The unique Music for Movement compositions on the CDs will enable children to explore walking and jumping (Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick), twisting and turning (Oliver Twist, you can’t do this!) and many more concepts which are just right for your toddler movers and shakers! Both children and parents will find that after just one class, they’ll look forward to many more!
Parents will receive a family packet with CD, parent book and either an instrument or manipulative.
An outdoor exploration of the living world of nature. Uses tools for exploration to enhance sensorial learning. Sing, move and make music with instruments in a natural setting.
Benefits: Spurs appreciation for nature by highlighting its wonders and delights. Showcases the unique music of nature and lively forms in all animal and plant life.
- Addresses the spiritual aspects of the young child's life through inspiring songs and joyful dancing.
- Focuses on the experience of those closest to them, such as family, friends and nature.
- Nurtures a child's ability to use language and participate in dramatic play within a musical context
- Enhances a child's musical aptitude and listening abilities.
- Stories from the Bible are accompanied by appropriate prayers, songs and rituals.
- Enhances moral concepts in daily life. Helps direct energy to expression of feelings.
- Religious tenets will be learned by the chilren in a joyful manner.
- CD features dancing, rocking, finger plays, bouncing, patterns, focused listening and beginning instrument play.